Ave/Georgetown Metro is optional, but we’ll cover it first. Across the plaza from the aforementioned metro you’ll find a manhole simply labled “Utility.” The Penn. There’s an unmarked Hotel the Brotherhood of Steel Paladins are using as a barracks near the Penn. From here we have several places to explore. Once done gaze westward to find the White House Plaza. Save the Brothers, or let them deal with it on their own (it’ll be easier to loot their ammo boxes if they’re dead). Now venture south to find some Brother of Steel Paladins fighting it out with Super Mutants. There’s also a bed in here, in case you get tuckered out and need a nappy-bye. You probably won’t be able to save any lives, but you can kill the Super Mutant and loot its metal shelves for some ammo boxes and first aid boxes. Head south to find a road, then follow it west until you come to the back of a truck where you’ll find a Super Mutant butchering Wastelanders. This is a pretty safe exit to Pennsylvania Avenue, but there might be the odd Super Mutant crawling around, so be on guard. Beyond that is the gate leading to Pennsylvania Avenue, an area briefly before mentioned, now immenently explored. You’ll soon end up in a metro entrance with more bear traps littering the floor, and a few Ghouls. Ultimately, however, we’re not interested in Vernon Square just yet.īacktrack past the room with the bear traps and head up some stairs leading south. It’s a future destination of ours, and it might be worth it to head out and quickly grab the Vernon Square Station map marker. If you follow this route you’ll find a few bits of loot, some Ghouls, and ultimately reach a door leading to Vernon Square.

Ignore the submerged door to the west and head north instead, turning west to follow the passage. Bypass the bear traps and go through two doors to the west to find a Ghoul-infested sewer. Ignore the stairs to your left for now and head west to find the room under the bridge that led to the Scavenger camp. Head down some stairs and make your way through two rooms to find a tunnel to the south. There’s plenty of stuff to steal here, particularly a copy of Tumblers Today. Head north across a bridge to find a Scavenger. This should be a fairly uneventful journey, considered we cleared out Metro Central a long time ago. From there head to the Freedom Street Station. First head to Metro Central, which can be accessed via the Museum Station (the Museum Station is just north-west of the Museum of Technology).